A bill primarily sponsored by Senators Roy Blunt and Debbie Stabenow has been expanded to provide even more monetary assistance to community based mental health and addiction treatment programs. It would also expand the pilot Certified Behavioral Health Center program to 19 states, broadening access for those facing mental health challenges who may not otherwise have access to meaningful care.
This is huge news, and hopefully a chance for Georgia to get in on the action. Community based resources are critical, but as we see here in Georgia, they are overloaded. Even the best-intentioned provider can't do what's needed when her case load is in the hundreds. Mopney for more providers means more meaningful care, and when you're fighting a psychological battle, the care can't just be present. It has to be in-depth and thorough.
Don't forget the immeasureable impact on law enforcement resources:
“Prior to the CCBHC demonstration, our officers would spend four to five hours, if not days with a person experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, waiting in emergency rooms at our local hospital, and then traveling up to an hour to the nearest treatment center,” said James Willyard, Assistant Chief of Police at the Pryor Creek Police Department in Pryor, Oklahoma. “With funding through the CCBHCs, and the availability of immediate access to treatment, we are saving up to 12 hours a day, per officer when serving citizens in need of mental health or substance use services. I strongly support extending the CCBHC model for additional years so our community can have the resources it needs to help families and individuals get into treatment and recovery instead of jail or the hospital.”
See more on Senator Blunt's webpage: https://www.blunt.senate.gov/news/press-releases/blunt-stabenow-matsui-mullin-announce-bipartisan-bill-to-expand-funding-for-community-mental-health-services